The situation with Caitlin, though, was different since she never truly died and thus didn’t need resurrecting her body was simply taken over and repressed by the Khione persona for months. NUNCA FUE BARRY EL QUE CREO UNA NUEVA LÍNEA DE TIEMPO Y TE CUENTO QUIÉN FUE Canadagraphs fuente imágenes.
Plus Savitar says 'Only one of us could live. Lets take a look at five speedsters who we would like to see in The. 'The boy Joe raised, the man Iris loves, you have everything' which could be his most painful memory in the speedforce prison. I have speculated that Savitar could be Eddie Thawne, but I am not so sure anymore. During her talk with Barry, Caitlin admitted that her attempts to bring back Frost were “ unnatural,” hence why her death was not reversed by the finale. Eddie Thawne is Savitar theory Savitar is Eddie Thawne, since he's angry and jealous that Barry has everything from him. Khione’s departure paved the way for Caitlin to return, whereas Killer Frost remained dead. When she left Earth, she no longer had a need for a physical body, allowing Caitlin to regain control. As the episode revealed, what made this possible was Khione’s ascension. Which is Metaphorically True, but not the whole story. Savitar - Eddie lives - Malcom Thawne - Cobalt Blue - lost twin - Did Savitar already told us that Eddie lives and returns as a villian in the future- Savitar - Eddie lives - Malcom Thawne. It culminates in the Scarlet Speedster banishing him to the Speed Force, where he begins plotting his revenge on the mortal who wronged him.

Accompanying Flash are Cecile Horton, Allegra, Chillblaine, Khione, and Nora West-Allen (XS).

Missing since the start of the season, Caitlin was believed to have died offscreen, but now she’s back. Savitar is said to be the first speedster, taking his name from the Hindu god of motion, and meets the Flash at some point in the future. Alongside Eddie Thawne's Cobalt Blue debut, the set photo revealed the first look at an Arrowverse villain crossover featuring Tom Cavanagh's Reverse Flash, Godspeed, Teddy Sears' Zoom, and Savitar going up against Grant Gustin's Flash and his allies. This move facilitated the return of Danielle Panabaker’s original Arrowverse character, Caitlin Snow. Edward 'Eddie' Thawne (Januresurrected 2049) is a former police detective of the Keystone City Police Department until he transferred to Central City Police Department. The aftermath of the battle with Cobalt Blue saw Khione ascend to a higher plane of existence and become a goddess. Eddie wasn’t the only character to receive another chance at life in The Flash’s four-part ending.